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Team Lead
Sep Riahi
Team Members
  • Sep Riahi
  • Olivia Levenson
  • Rachael Polmanteer
  • Kathryn Marie Youngblood
  • Jenna Jambeck
  • Catherine Glennon
Concept name*
Junior Scientist Maker Program
Boston, MA
Application Track
Rapid and Continuous Learning Assessment
The Junior Scientist Maker Program (JSMP) is a transformative educational platform that aims to be the premier introduction to the scientific method for children aged 6+. It uses a unique multidisciplinary approach, blending (a) engaging narrative media, (b) an accessible, affordable, and scalable inquiry-based curriculum, and (c) hands-on local citizen science projects and research. The program not only fosters scientific literacy but also instills lifelong critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Recognized for its commitment to diversity and equity, JSMP features a diverse cast of characters crafted by an award-winning team. Highly endorsed by Common Sense Media, JSMP seeks to empower both students at a key developmental stage and educators seeking confidence in teaching science. Through its comprehensive approach, JSMP aspires to significantly enhance scientific literacy and thinking for life in the American education system.
VITAL Prize Challenge Official Rules

This information is being collected under the authority of the AMERICA Competes Act and the NSF act of 1950, as amended, for purposes of this prize challenge, to register and verify eligibility of participants, to review and evaluate their entries, to make prize determinations and awards of prizes, to prepare required reports, and for other challenge program administrative purposes. Challenge submissions (entries) may be shared with the challenge organizers, their contractors, and reviewers, and other information will be used or disclosed as described in the challenge rules and guidelines. Information about individuals, if maintained in an agency system of records and retrieved by the individual 's name or other personally assigned identifier, shall be protected by the privacy act of 1974 and routinely used and disclosed only in accordance with that Act. See NSF-12 (Fellowships and Other Awards). This information collection form is voluntary, but failure to provide the requested information may make your challenge entry incomplete or otherwise render you or your team, if applicable, ineligible to participate or receive a prize award. (Paperwork reduction act: OMB Control No. 3145- 0023).

I acknowledge that any contribution that I post to the Challenge Website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By posting to or otherwise providing any contribution on the Challenge Website, I hereby grant to Digital Promise and their affiliates and service providers, and each of my and their respective licensees, successors and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose, except as otherwise stated explicitly  in these Rules*


By pressing I agree, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and accept all of the VITAL Prize Challenge Rules, terms and conditions expressed  in these Rules*